Project Workforce Ambassador Boards

Why Join

If you believe that Project Workforce can help solve the technician shortage while bettering our communities, then consider joining our Ambassadors Board. We would love your support!

Our Ambassadors assist Project Workforce Founder, Chris Knuth, with spreading awareness of the Project Workforce training program across the United States!

  • Represent your State for the organization
  • Build local networks of support
  • Establish sources of students, trainers, and training facilities in your community
Project Workforce Impact Statements

We Need Your Support!

Achieving our mission hinges on the support of individuals like you who share our passion for assisting underserved populations, recognize the automotive industry’s significance, and aspire to enhance the quality of life for our students and their mentors in the automotive industry.

Right now, we need your help to get our training program into repair shops across the United States. To accomplish this, we need to finalize and digitize our curriculum and build a website for students and instructors to access the content. Once this is in place, we will need a continuous flow of revenue to operate our training centers. Please consider a recurring donation to this worthy cause!

Be An Ambassador


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