Project Workforce's mission

Our Mission: 50 States and 35 Countries by 2035

Our model is scalable because we integrate our program into existing repair shops, eliminating the need for property acquisition, leasing, or equipment purchases. Instead, we maximize existing resources, and our extensive network enables us to facilitate job placements for qualified individuals. As we look to expand our presence across all 50 states and 35 countries, we remain steadfast in our commitment to making a significant impact.

We are dedicated to bridging developing nations with the global supply chain and fostering entrepreneurship. Our nonprofit status underscores our genuine focus on people rather than profits. It’s about instilling confidence, hope, and prosperity, and breaking the cycle of generational dysfunction.

Achieving our mission hinges on the support of individuals like you who share our passion for assisting underserved populations, recognize the automotive industry’s significance, and aspire to enhance the quality of life in developing nations.

It’s Our Mission

Empowering Personal Growth

In today’s auto repair industry, it is almost impossible to get hired as a technician without previous experience and a considerable investment in tools to do the work. The other alternative is to spend between $30,000-$100,000 to earn a certificate from a trade school only to be picked up by a dealership that offers low pay and years spent moving up the chain. Together, these factors eliminate the chances for many who are interested in and have the raw talent to pursue a career within the automotive industry. People who want to provide a good quality of life for themselves and their families.

Partnering To Provide Employment

We partner with qualified repair shops to accept our talented graduates as employees.

By choosing one of our non-profit organization’s well-trained students for your shop’s team, you’ll make a tax deductible placement donation that will perpetuate our program and help us continue to train and place students.

Shops that partner with us are also required to pass a high standard screening. This screening means that a shop has demonstrated a strong leadership and culture, as well as the proper tool & equipment minimums, operating systems, ongoing education programs, and employee benefits to allow each student a path toward advancement. We may require shops to submit financial information to ensure stability.

Students will have a 12-month contract with the shop that can only be nullified if there are unsafe business practices or ethical issues. Employers may terminate employment without penalty for any reason.


Our funding is through several sources, including but not limited to …

  • Federal grants

  • Federal programs for Veterans

  • State programs

  • County and local agencies

  • Churches and other non-profits

  • Individual donations

  • Corporate donations

  • Host repair shops

We continue to host fundraising events and social media campaigns to raise awareness and money to operate this important program.


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